All files / components/Nav Footer.js

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import { Container } from "react-bootstrap";
import { useBackend } from "main/utils/useBackend";
export const space = " ";
export default function Footer() {
  const { data: systemInfo, error: _error, status: _status } =
            // Stryker disable next-line all : don't test internal caching of React Query
            // Stryker disable next-line StringLiteral,ObjectLiteral : since "GET" is default, "" is an equivalent mutation
            { method: "GET", url: "/api/systemInfo" },
  return (
    <footer className="bg-light pt-3 pt-md-4 pb-4 pb-md-5">
          This app is a class project of{space}
            rel="noopener noreferrer"
            CMPSC 156
          <a data-testid="footer-ucsb-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
          . Check out the source code on
            rel="noopener noreferrer"
          See our{space}
            privacy policy
          The cartoon Storke Tower images in the brand logo and favicon for this site were
          developed by Chelsea Lyon-Hayden, Art Director for UCSB Associate Students, and are
          used here by permission of the Executive Director of UCSB Associated Students.
          These images are Copyright © 2021 UCSB Associated Students, and may not be reused
          without express written permission of the Executive Director of UCSB Associated Students.  For more info, visit:
          <a data-testid="footer-sticker-link" href=""></a>